PyCon JP 2019 2日目のキーノートスピーカーは、小池 誠氏に決定しました!
このことから小池氏は本年のテーマ「Python New Era」にふさわしく、キーノートスピーカーとして招待することになりました。
また、PyCon JP 2019では現在、トークを募集しています。
Hello, everyone!
I'm Futatsugi from the PyCon JP 2019 contents team.
I'm excited to announce our day 2 keynote speaker: Makoto Koike!
Makoto is known as
a developer of a cucumber grading and sorting machine.
He is using Python across a range of areas including machine learning, hardware, and web application to improve efficiency in farming.
We believe he is a perfect role model for Pythonistas in “new era”.
So we decided to invite him as a keynote speaker to PyCon JP 2019 with the theme “Python New Era”.
There will be some invited speakers on the first day.
This will be announced soon as well.
Looking forward to seeing you all and our keynote speakers in September!
And please submit your talk proposal at
https://www.papercall.io/cfps/2160/submissions/new by 6/2.
Here is Mr. Koike's profile.
小池 誠 / Makoto Koike |
静岡県にある太平洋に面したのどかな町で農業を営んでいます.6年前までは組込みエンジニアとしてC言語を使った開発に携わっていましたが,退職を期にPythonを独学で学ぶことを始めました.Djangoを使ったWebアプリ開発からはじまり,Raspberry PiやMicroPythonを載せたSBCを使った組込み開発,そして,機械学習に取り組んできました.
Makoto is engaged in agriculture in a peaceful town facing the Pacific Ocean in Shizuoka Prefecture.
Till 6 years ago, he was an embedded engineer involved in development using C language.
Taking retiring as an opportunity, he started to teach himself Python.
He has been working on web application development using Django, embedded development using RaspberryPi and SBC (Single Board Computer) with MicroPython installed, and machine learning.
Now he is focusing on developing a cucumber grading and sorting machine in Python on his own.
He completed developing up to the third prototype and it saves him 30% of daily sorting time.
He is also working on development of field patrol rover robots and management and analysis of environmental data to improve efficiency of farm work.