
「PyCon JP 2024作業日 2024.09」を実施しました

こんにちは。PyCon JP 2024広報チームの筒井です。

2024年9月3日、「PyCon JP 2024作業日 2024.09」を実施しました。

PyCon JP 2024では、定期的に作業日を設けています。会場はHENNGE株式会社さんのオフィスでしたが、Zoomによるオンライン参加者もいました。


PyCon JP 2024の開催日(9月27日、28日)が近づいているということで、いつもより作業に熱が入っているような気がしました。




PyCon JP 2024のチケットは以下のURLから購入できます。


PyCon JP 2024 ではスプリント(開発ミートアップ)を開催します! - The development sprints (as known as tech meetup) will be held in PyCon JP 2024!

 (English version is below)  

PyCon JP 2024の開催までいよいよ1ヶ月を切りました。皆様チケットの準備はお済みでしょうか?

PyCon JP 2024は、Day1 (9月27日) および Day2 (9月28日)にTOC有明コンベンションホールにてカンファレンスを行いますが、Day3 (9月29日) にはHENNGE株式会社オフィス(渋谷駅より徒歩約10分)にてスプリントと呼ばれるイベントを開催します。






「興味があるテーマ/プロジェクト」とは言うものの、どんなテーマがあるの?と気になりますよね。今年度のテーマは現在募集中のため未確定なのですが、昨年開催されたPyCon JP 2023 APACでは、以下のようなテーマがありました。

  • CPython

  • PyVistaにdocstringを追加してみよう

  • PyLadies Tokyo で Humble Data Workshop を寺子屋形式行います。

  • A contributor sprint for Apache Airflow.

  • Pythonチュートリアルイベント「Python Boot Camp」のテキスト( https://pycamp.pycon.jp )の改善

  • Serverless AI apps with Gradio and/or Streamlit (Gradio-lite/Stlite)




提案された開発テーマは、今後PyCon JP 2024公式ページにて公開される予定です。公開された際にはX(Twitter)等で告知する予定ですので、参加に興味がある方はぜひご確認ください。










PyCon JP 2024 開発者&コミュニティSprintでは託児所を用意しています。

託児所は完全予約制となります。詳細はこちら をご確認ください。申し込みの締め切りは2024/09/20 17:00です。

現在、PyCon JP 2024 カンファレンス参加者の募集をこちらで、スプリント参加者の募集をこちらで行っています。皆さんの参加登録をお待ちしております!


PyCon JP 2024 is now less than a month away! Have you got your tickets ready?

While PyCon JP 2024 will hold its main conference on Day 1 (September 27) and Day 2 (September 28) at TOC Ariake Convention Hall, Day 3 (September 29) will feature an event called "Sprint" at the HENNGE K.K. office (about a 10-minute walk from Shibuya Station).

Let's dive into what makes the Sprint so exciting!

What is a Sprint (Development Meetup)?

A Sprint is a short, intensive software development meetup held offline. Participants gather at the venue and spend a whole day working on themes or projects that interest them, face-to-face. Think of it as a tech meetup but with multiple themes and projects. It's a chance to make some serious progress by leveraging the opportunity of having developers all in one place, just like at a conference.

The organizers provide the venue and everything you need for development (Wi-Fi, power outlets, tables, chairs, etc.). All you need to bring is your PC!

Development Themes

You might be wondering, "What themes are there?" While this year's themes are still being decided, here are some examples from last year's PyCon JP 2023 APAC:

  • CPython

  • PyVistaにdocstringを追加してみよう

  • PyLadies Tokyo で Humble Data Workshop を寺子屋形式行います。

  • A contributor sprint for Apache Airflow.

  • Pythonチュートリアルイベント「Python Boot Camp」のテキスト( https://pycamp.pycon.jp )の改善

  • Serverless AI apps with Gradio and/or Streamlit (Gradio-lite/Stlite)

You can also propose your own development theme for the Sprint! Participants who propose themes are called "Sprint Leaders" and can register their desired development theme when signing up on Connpass.

Themes can be anything Python-related. You're free to choose any existing project you want to work on, and you don't need to be a maintainer of that project. Of course, starting a new project is also welcome. If you're currently part of a Python community, you can use this as an opportunity for community activities.

If you're interested in participating but not as a Sprint Leader, don't worry about needing special skills for the themes. Sprint Leaders will support your participation, and every year, some teams prepare tasks for beginners. You can also switch teams during the event. Feel free to join!

Proposed development themes will be published on the official PyCon JP 2024 page soon. We'll announce it on X (Twitter) when they're available, so keep an eye out if you're interested in participating.

Why Participate in a Sprint?

Participants can use the Sprint as an opportunity to:

Connect with like-minded people

Ever wanted to master a specific product or tool, or understand its inner workings? At the Sprint, you'll work alongside members who share your interests. You can share knowledge and potentially find long-term peers to continue sharing interests and insights even after the Sprint.

Make quick progress on projects you're interested in

Participating in a Sprint can significantly boost your project's progress. While most development projects rely on online communication, this face-to-face opportunity allows for quick support on development issues and in-depth discussions that might take longer online.

Use it as a venue for existing Python community activities

If you're already part of a Python community or interested in joining one, the Sprint can be a place to carry out community activities. It's a chance to make progress on necessary community work and for potential new members to try out activities. You might even find new community members through the Sprint!

Childcare will be available at this Sprint.

Childcare is by appointment only. Please check here for more details. The deadline for registration is September 20th, 2024, at 17:00 (JST).

We hope this gives you a taste of what makes the Sprint special. We're currently accepting registrations for the PyCon JP 2024 conference here and for the Sprint here. We're looking forward to your participation!

PyCon JP 2024 全体ミーティング(8月)を開催しました

こんにちは。PyCon JP 2024広報チームの筒井です。2024年8月26日、PyCon JP 2024の全体ミーティングを開催しました。

PyCon JP 2024は来月27日、28日開催ということで、いよいよ主催メンバーのタスクも大詰めに入りました。
