
PyCon JP 2020 招待講演のお知らせ その1 / Announcement of invited talk #1

(English follows Japanese)
PyCon JP 2020 コンテンツチームのTKuramotoです




PyCon JP 2020のカンファレンスはチケット発売中です。


打田 智子氏

2007年に筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科の博士前期課程を修了後,いくつかのIT系企業を経て,現在は株式会社 LegalForce の R&D チームで検索システムや言語処理の研究開発に従事。2015年に Python 製日本語形態素解析ライブラリ Janome を OSS として公開し,同年 PyConJP にも登壇。Janome の開発をほそぼそ続けながら,2019年から OSS 検索エンジンライブラリ Apache Lucene のコミッターも務める。興味のある分野は情報検索と機械学習,自然言語処理。海の見える部屋で猫と暮らすのが夢。

Hello, everyone.
I'm TKuramoto of the PyCon JP 2020 Program Committee.
We have five invited speakers for this year!
Let me introduce the first.
We expect invited sessions to have an expert in a specific field, present
on their expertise and tell their stories, which go beyond what is usually
covered at a Python conference.

For this year, we decided to invite Ms.Tomoko Uchida as our invited speaker.

Pre-processing is essential for natural language processing.
She will talk about Janome, which has a generic implementation of
preprocessing, and the updates and the updates she has made
since she took the stage in 2015 and her future development. 
She will also give a talk about her motivation to continue her personal development.

Ms.Uchida invited talk will be on Friday, August 28.
We will publish the timetable soon for more details on her talk. Look forward to it!
PyCon JP 2020 Conference Tickets are on sale.
Please see below for her profiles.

Tomoko completed the master's program at the University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering in 2007.
After working for several IT companies, she is currently engaged in research and development of search systems and language processing at the R&D team of LegalForce Inc. In 2015, she released Janome, a Japanese Python morphological analysis library as OSS, and had a presentation on PyCon JP. She is also a committer of Apache Lucene, an OSS search engine library, from 2019. She is interested in information retrieval, machine learning, and natural language processing. She is dreaming of living with her cats in a room with a view of the ocean.

Twitter: @moco_beta

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