PyCon JP 2020 コンテンツチームリーダーの二木です。
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PyCon JP のスタッフ活動をPythonで自動化した事例を共有するトークのプロポーザルをサンプルとします。
Session title
PyCon JPにPythonと一緒にスタッフ参加しよう
発表資料の言語 / Language of presentation material
Japanese only
Session format
Case studies (excluding web programming and machine learning)
Level (Audience Python level)
とします。Audience Python levelの選択については、こちらのブログも参考にしてください。
Audience expertise
このトークでPython以外の部分の知識はPyCon JPのスタッフがどんなことをしているかだと考えます。PyCon JPのスタッフについての知識は不要なトークとするので、
とします。Audience expertiseの選択については、こちらのブログも参考にしてください。
聴衆に求める前提知識 / Prerequisite knowledge for attending the session
トークで扱う、SlackやGoogle DriveについてPythonで自動化した経験があると、トークがより理解しやすいと考えますが、必須ではありません。
トークで扱う、SlackやGoogle DriveについてPythonで自動化した経験があると、トークがより理解しやすいと考えますが、必須ではありません。
聴衆が持ち帰ることができるもの / What audience take away from your talk
- PythonでSlackにメッセージを投稿する方法
- 上記を定期的に行う方法
- PythonでGoogle Driveのドキュメントを操作する方法
- Pythonスクリプトを使って、Slackを起点にGoogle Driveのドキュメントを操作する一連のやり方
- PyCon JPのスタッフがやっていることについての知識
Elevator Pitch
このトークでは、退屈なことをPythonにやらせる例を、PyCon JPのスタッフ活動の中から2つ共有します。
1つは、期日になったら終了するSlackのリマインダーの代替機能、もう1つは、Google Driveのテンプレートのドキュメントをコピーする機能をSlackコマンドとして実現する方法です。
このトークを聞くことで、PythonでSlackやGoogle Driveを操作する方法が分かるでしょう。
上記で256文字です(改行を含む)。このトークでは、退屈なことをPythonにやらせる例を、PyCon JPのスタッフ活動の中から2つ共有します。
1つは、期日になったら終了するSlackのリマインダーの代替機能、もう1つは、Google Driveのテンプレートのドキュメントをコピーする機能をSlackコマンドとして実現する方法です。
このトークを聞くことで、PythonでSlackやGoogle Driveを操作する方法が分かるでしょう。
PyCon JPのスタッフ活動ではSlackやGoogleドライブなどのツールを使います。
Pythonスクリプトを定期的に実行する環境として、無料の範囲で使えるAWS LambdaとCloudWatch Eventを用いました。
Slack経由でスクリプトを起動したかったため、AWS Lambdaに配置し、Amazon API Gatewayでスクリプトを起動するURLを用意しました。
- 導入(5min)
- 自己紹介
- PyCon JPスタッフの紹介
- 問題意識
- 1例目:カスタムSlackリマインダー(11min)
- Slackのリマインダー機能について
- 自動で止まるリマインダーを作る
- PythonからSlackへの投稿(urllib)
- PythonでGoogleスプレッドシートの内容を読み出す(authlib, gspread)
- AWS LambdaとCloudWatch Eventを紹介
- AWS Lambdaへのデプロイ方法とハマリポイントへの対処
- 2例目:テンプレートコピーコマンド(11min)
- スタッフmtgの準備について
- Pythonスクリプトで議事録テンプレートをコピーする
- PythonでGoogle Driveのドキュメントを複製する(PyDrive)
- スクリプトのAWS LambdaへのデプロイとAPI Gatewayの設定
- Slash commandからAWS Lambdaを呼び出すための設定
- まとめ (1min)
- 質疑応答 (2min)
Pythonスクリプトを定期的に実行する環境として、無料の範囲で使えるAWS LambdaとCloudWatch Eventを用いました。
Slack経由でスクリプトを起動したかったため、AWS Lambdaに配置し、Amazon API Gatewayでスクリプトを起動するURLを用意しました。
- 導入(5min)
- 自己紹介
- PyCon JPスタッフの紹介
- 問題意識
- 1例目:カスタムSlackリマインダー(11min)
- Slackのリマインダー機能について
- 自動で止まるリマインダーを作る
- PythonからSlackへの投稿(urllib)
- PythonでGoogleスプレッドシートの内容を読み出す(authlib, gspread)
- AWS LambdaとCloudWatch Eventを紹介
- AWS Lambdaへのデプロイ方法とハマリポイントへの対処
- 2例目:テンプレートコピーコマンド(11min)
- スタッフmtgの準備について
- Pythonスクリプトで議事録テンプレートをコピーする
- PythonでGoogle Driveのドキュメントを複製する(PyDrive)
- スクリプトのAWS LambdaへのデプロイとAPI Gatewayの設定
- Slash commandからAWS Lambdaを呼び出すための設定
- まとめ (1min)
- 質疑応答 (2min)
私は2019年からPyCon JPのスタッフ活動を始めました。
活動の中ではSlackやGoogle Driveなどいくつかのツールを使いますが、単純作業の繰り返しを見つけては自動化を試みてきました。
活動の中ではSlackやGoogle Driveなどいくつかのツールを使いますが、単純作業の繰り返しを見つけては自動化を試みてきました。
Hi there,
I'm Futatsugi, a leader of the PyCon JP 2020 program committee.
I show a sample proposal for PyCon JP 2020 on this post.
Compared to last year, we have made significant changes in our proposals.
I've shared the background and explanation of the changes in other posts.
In this post, I'll show you concretely what we are supposed to write.
If you have any questions, please use the question form to ask us.
Sample proposal
Here's an example of a proposal for a talk in which I will share "a few cases of automation in PyCon JP staff activity using Python".
I suppose to fill in the proposal form with the parts written in italics in this post.
Session title
Join PyCon JP as a staff with Python!
This talk is 30-minute long in Japanese.
Language of presentation material
Japanese only
Session format
This talk shows two examples of automation (about 10 minutes per example).
I’ll select
Case studies (including web programming and machine learning)
because I think this talk also can be said as case studies of automation.For more information on choosing a track, please refer to this post.
Level (Audience Python level)
I’ll select
because I am going to talk about examples of automation with third-party packages.For more information on choosing the Audience Python level, please refer to this post.
Audience expertise
I think the non-Python part of this talk is what the staff at PyCon JP does.Audience will not need knowledge of PyCon JP staff activities for this talk, so I'll select
For more information on choosing Audience expertise, please refer to this post.Prerequisite knowledge for attending the session
Experience of writing automation scripts in Python, using some kind of package.
It would be more understandable if you have experience of automating the staff about Slack or Google Drive with Python, which I handle in talks, but not required.
It would be more understandable if you have experience of automating the staff about Slack or Google Drive with Python, which I handle in talks, but not required.
What audience take away from your talk
- How to post a message to Slack with Python
- How to do the above regularly
- How to manipulate Google Drive documents with Python
- A series of ways to manipulate Google Drive documents from Slack (via Python scripts)
- Knowledge of what the PyCon JP staff is doing
Elevator Pitch
If you're a Pythonista, you've probably experienced the pleasure of automating the boring stuff with Python.
In this talk, I'll be sharing two examples of automation with Python from PyCon JP staff activities.
You'll learn how to work with Slack and Google Drive in Python.
(274 characters including newline characters)In this talk, I'll be sharing two examples of automation with Python from PyCon JP staff activities.
You'll learn how to work with Slack and Google Drive in Python.
You should write detail, structure and timeline of your talk in the description.詳しいほど具体的にトークの内容を伝えることができます。
The more detailed description you write, the more clearly you can tell your talk to reviewers and audience.
In PyCon JP staff activities, we use a lot of tools such as Slack and Google Drive.
I introduce two examples of how Python solved some of the things that I felt were not cool with the tool.
The first is an example of a reminder feature in Slack.
Slack's reminder feature enables us to post a specified message at a specified time repeatedly, but we have to stop it manually.
It was annoying for me to have to remember when to stop, so I created a reminder which can end automatically.
I creared a Python script that reads a Google spreadsheet and posts messages within a period when a reminder is needed.
I used AWS Lambda and CloudWatch Events, which are free to use for this purpose, as an environment to run Python script regularly.
The second is an example of automated preparation of the minutes for each staff meeting.
I felt that it was not cool to copy a template Docs in Google Drive manually each time.
So I made it possible to copy the Google Docs specified with the Python script.
I wanted to launch the script via Slack, so I placed it in AWS Lambda and prepared a URL to kick the script with Amazon API Gateway.
Slack's Slash command will call the URL.
Outline and timeline are as follows.
* In this sample, I will itemize the structure and attach an estimate of the time required for each large item.
- Introduction (5min)
- self-introduction
- introduce PyCon JP staff activities
- What I saw as the Issues
- Example 1: Customized Slack reminder(11min)
- introduce Slack's reminder feature
- Create a reminder which can end automatically
- how to post messages to Slack with Python (urllib)
- how to read Google spreadsheets with Python (authlib, gspread)
- Introduce AWS Lambda and CloudWatch Events
- how to deploy on AWS Lambda and avoid pitfalls
- Example 2: Slack command to copy template Google Docs (11min)
- Preparation for staff meetings
- copy the minutes template with a Python script
- how to copy a document in Google Drive with Python (PyDrive)
- how to deploy the script on AWS Lambda and configure Amazon API Gateway
- how to call AWS Lambda from Slash command
- Summary (1min)
- Questions and answers (2min)
I introduce two examples of how Python solved some of the things that I felt were not cool with the tool.
The first is an example of a reminder feature in Slack.
Slack's reminder feature enables us to post a specified message at a specified time repeatedly, but we have to stop it manually.
It was annoying for me to have to remember when to stop, so I created a reminder which can end automatically.
I creared a Python script that reads a Google spreadsheet and posts messages within a period when a reminder is needed.
I used AWS Lambda and CloudWatch Events, which are free to use for this purpose, as an environment to run Python script regularly.
The second is an example of automated preparation of the minutes for each staff meeting.
I felt that it was not cool to copy a template Docs in Google Drive manually each time.
So I made it possible to copy the Google Docs specified with the Python script.
I wanted to launch the script via Slack, so I placed it in AWS Lambda and prepared a URL to kick the script with Amazon API Gateway.
Slack's Slash command will call the URL.
Outline and timeline are as follows.
* In this sample, I will itemize the structure and attach an estimate of the time required for each large item.
- Introduction (5min)
- self-introduction
- introduce PyCon JP staff activities
- What I saw as the Issues
- Example 1: Customized Slack reminder(11min)
- introduce Slack's reminder feature
- Create a reminder which can end automatically
- how to post messages to Slack with Python (urllib)
- how to read Google spreadsheets with Python (authlib, gspread)
- Introduce AWS Lambda and CloudWatch Events
- how to deploy on AWS Lambda and avoid pitfalls
- Example 2: Slack command to copy template Google Docs (11min)
- Preparation for staff meetings
- copy the minutes template with a Python script
- how to copy a document in Google Drive with Python (PyDrive)
- how to deploy the script on AWS Lambda and configure Amazon API Gateway
- how to call AWS Lambda from Slash command
- Summary (1min)
- Questions and answers (2min)
In Notes, write your motivation for this talk or why you think you’re the best for this talk.
I started activities as a PyCon JP staff in 2019.
We use several tools in our operations, such as Slack and Google Drive.
Whenever I found repetitions of simple tasks, I tried to automate them.
By sharing examples of successful automation in my talk, I hope to provide an exciting opportunity for those interested in automation.
We use several tools in our operations, such as Slack and Google Drive.
Whenever I found repetitions of simple tasks, I tried to automate them.
By sharing examples of successful automation in my talk, I hope to provide an exciting opportunity for those interested in automation.
Please place a check mark if you agree to your talk being archived and streamed after the conference.
Also, place a check mark if you agree to allow PyCon JP staff and audience to take screenshots of you and your materials during the presentation and share them on SNS.
That's all for this post.
I hope this post is a reference for what specifically to write in each item of a proposal.
(If you still have questions, feel free to ask them from the question form; The explanations above may not be enough or clear unintentionally.)
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