PyCon JP 2020 コンテンツチームリーダーの二木です。
PyCon JP 2020のプロポーザルのフォーマットについて紹介します。
- Audience level
- Audience expertise(新規追加項目)
- Track(2019ではTag)
- Python core(Pythonの文法や新機能、内部実装、パッケージングなど)(*1)
- Tips of development with Python(開発に便利なツールや、テスト、CI/CDなど)
- Web programming (including web frameworks)
- Data Science / Machine Learning
- System administration(Ansibleなど、ヒッチハイカーズガイドのシステム管理に該当するようなトピック)
- Case studies (excluding web programming and machine learning)(自動化の事例やPythonでできること(*2)の紹介)(*3)
- Embedding python in hardware
- GUI and games
- Network programming
- Fintech
- Python in education(日本でプログラミング必修化といった話題に関連したトーク)
- Community building related to Python
- Anything else basically which doesn’t fall into the types of topics above(上記に該当するTrackがない場合に限り、選択してください)(*4)
(*2) Pythonでできることの紹介の例は、PyCon JP 2019のFoxDotを用いたライブコーディングのトークです
(*3) Web開発の事例のトークは、Web programming (including web frameworks)を選択してください。
機械学習の事例のトークは、Data Science / Machine Learningを選択してください。
(バランスよく採択したいので、Case studiesを選んだTrackについては採択の中で別のTrackを割り当てる場合があります)
(*4) 私たちが想定していないトークのTrackに選択できるようにするために設けています。
Hi there,
I'm Futatsugi, a leader of the PyCon JP 2020 program committee.
I’m explaining some items on the proposal form this year.
- Audience level
- Audience expertise (*NEW)
- Track (*Tag in 2019)
Please use this as a reference in submitting your proposal.
"Track" represents what your talk is about.
Choose the one that is closest to your talk.
- Python core (Python syntax, new features, internal implementation, packaging, etc.) (*1)
- Tips of development with Python (Useful tools for development, testing, CI/CD, etc.)
- Web programming (including web frameworks)
- Data Science / Machine Learning
- System administration (Topics written in “Systems Administration” in the Hitchhiker’s Guide, like Ansible)
- Case studies (excluding web programming and machine learning)(Examples of automation or introductions of what you can do with Python(*2)) (*3)
- Embedding python in hardware
- GUI and games
- Network programming
- Fintech
- Python in education (talks related to topics such as compulsory programming lessons from 2020 in Japan)
- Community building related to Python
- Anything else basically which doesn’t fall into the types of topics above (Please select only if there are no tracks that apply to the above) (*4)
(*2) Please see a Live coding talk by FoxDot at PyCon JP 2019 for an example of “what you can do with python”.
(*3) Choose web programming (including web frameworks) for a talk about web development case study.
Choose Data Science / Machine Learning for a talk about machine learning case study.
(To ensure a balanced adoption, the tracks selected as Case studies may be treated as one of the other tracks.)
(*4) You can use this “Track” if you can’t find a suitable “Track” for your talk. We may treat your talk as other “Track” in adoption.
That’s all for this post.
The changes are massive, and I think there are some things we're missing.
Therefore, if you are unsure about any of the items of the proposal form, please do not hesitate to ask questions!
We'll be answering your questions on our FAQ post.
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