
PyCon JP 2020 スポンサー募集開始のお知らせ / Sponsorship Application starts

PyCon JP 2020 Online Sponsorship

(English follows Japanese.)

こんにちは!PyCon JP 2020座長のnishiです。

PyCon JP 2020のオンラインスポンサーシップ募集開始をお知らせします。

PyCon JP 2020はPythonに関する日本最大級のカンファレンスです。"Python"をキーワードに毎年多くの人が参加します。

下記よりスポンサーパッケージ資料をご確認いただき、 応募フォーム内の注意事項をご確認の上、お申込みをお願いします。



スポンサーパッケージ資料: スポンサー受付は終了しました。


スポンサー申込フォーム: https://forms.gle/QdP639TxamyeAyVw8


1次募集: 2020/5/26 - 6/5 23:59JST

2次募集: 2020/6月中旬 - 7/15(予定)JST

(2020/6/7 更新)
- 6/8(月) 〜 6/12(金)
- 6/15(月) 〜 6/19(金)
- 6/22(月) 〜 6/26(金)


PyCon JP 2020 Sponsorship Application FAQの記事を参照ください。


反社会的勢力(暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係企業、総会屋等、社会運動等標ぼうゴロ及び特殊知能暴力集団等)とは、一切関係を持ちません。 反社会的勢力の不当な要求に対しては、組織全体として断固たる姿勢で拒絶し、民事・刑事の両面から法的対応を行い、かつ、対応する役職員の安全確保に努めます。

Hi there,
I'm nishi, Chair of PyCon JP 2020.

Now we are opening PyCon JP 2020 Online Sponsorship Application Form.
Please see the detail below and apply for a sponsorship.

PyCon JP 2020 Online Sponsorship

Online Sponsorship Package

Sponsorship Package: Sponsorship registration form has been closed.
Some description has been added to "preview version" that we shared before.

Sponsorship Application Form

Please read all of the terms and contents for sponsorship in the form and agree to them. You can edit your information until application 1st period ends.
Some GSuite users can't access the form for some reason. Try using another Google account(not a GSuite account) for the form if you can't access the form.

Sponsorship Application Form: https://forms.gle/QdP639TxamyeAyVw8


We will have 2 some application periods.
Please note that sponsorships can not be canceled.

1st Period: from May-26 to Jun-5(23:59)JST,2020 *both date inclusive
Sponsors will be determined by lotterly after end of 1st Period regardless of the order of submission date.

2nd Period: from Jun-mid to Jul-15JST(planned)
Sponsors will be determined in the order of application.

(Updated on Jun-7,2020)
Please see the application periods after 1st Period below.
Sponsors will be determined by lottery after end of each period regardless of the order of submission date in the each period.
Periods are...
- from Jun-8(Mon) to Jun-12(Fri)JST, 2020 *both date inclusive
- from Jun-15(Mon) to Jun-19(Fri)JST, 2020 *both date inclusive
- from Jun-22(Mon) to Jun-26(Fri)JST, 2020 *both date inclusive
After Jun-26, each period will open from Monday to Friday in each week as well till Jul-31(Fri). Sponsorship registration form will be closed before Jul-31 if all sponsors are determined.


See "PyCon JP 2020 Sponsorship Application FAQ" for FAQ.

Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces

Each party represents and warrants that is not a person who has fallen and shall not fall under the Anti-Social Forces and a person having a relationship with the Anti-Social Forces.
* Anti-Social Forces: An organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a related company or association of an organized crime group, and any other equivalent person of above.

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