PyCon JP 2020 コンテンツチームリーダーの二木です。
PyCon JP 2020のプロポーザルのフォーマットについて紹介します。
- Audience level
- Audience expertise(新規追加項目)
- Track(2019ではTag)

Audience level
Audience levelは聴衆がPythonにどのくらい詳しいかを表します。
- Beginner:PythonチュートリアルなどでPythonの文法や標準ライブラリの使い方を学んでいる
- Intermediate:Pythonチュートリアルを終え、サードパーティーライブラリを使って、Webアプリ開発、データ分析、自動化などのいずれかに取り組んでいる
- Advanced:Pythonを数年使っていて、パッケージを公開していたり、Pythonのパフォーマンスや内部実装に関心があったりする
- Expert:Python自体やよく知られたPythonライブラリに開発で貢献している
- 聴衆がすでに知っていることの理解がさらに深まるような情報を共有する(例:Beginnerに向けてPythonチュートリアルの特定のトピックを深堀りする)
- 1つ上のレベルに進むための情報を共有する(例:Beginnerに対してIntermediateに進むために必要と考えることを共有)
Audience expertise
- 0%:聴衆は専門知識をほとんど持っていない(あなたが話す分野について聞いたことがあるかもしれない)
- 50%:聴衆は専門知識をあなたの半分程度持っている
- 100%:聴衆は専門知識をあなたと同じかそれ以上持っている
- 0%:ドメイン駆動設計やその中で使われる用語を聞いたことはあるが、何をするものか知らない方に向けて話す場合に選択
- 50%:Pythonでドメイン駆動設計に取り組み始めた方に向けて話す場合に選択
- 100%:あなたと同様にPythonでドメイン駆動設計を実践している方に向けて話す場合に選択
👉 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScW-s8M96jsr9A7Fbu-GsDuBvrL5yu0QGr5gpZ20DmAtRzTqg/viewform
Hi there,
I'm Futatsugi, a leader of the PyCon JP 2020 program committee.
I’m explaining some items on the proposal form this year.
- Audience level
- Audience expertise (*NEW)
- Track (*Tag in 2019)
Please use this as a reference in submitting your proposal.
Audience level
"Audience level" means how familiar the audience is with Python.
Choose the one item below that most closely matches "Audience Python level" of your talk:
- Beginner: who are learning Python syntax and how to use standard libraries through The Python Tutorial, and so on
- Intermediate: who has finished The Python Tutorial and work on such as web app development, data analytics, or automation, and so on, using third-party libraries
- Advanced: who have been using Python for a few years, have published a package, or are interested in Python performance or internal implementations
- Expert: who contribute in the development of Python itself and well-known Python libraries
For example, there would be two directions for the talk.
- to share information which will help your audience to understand more deeply what they already know
- to share information which will help your audience to go up their Python level to one level higher
Audience expertise
In addition to your knowledge of Python, you'll have expertise in the field you speak of.
Choose the one item below that most closely matches to describe how much expertise your intended audience has in the field:
- 0%: The audience has almost no knowledge (including those who may have heard something related to your talk)
- 50%: The audience has about half as much expertise as you do
- 100%: The audience has the same or more expertise as you do
For example, assume that you are experienced in domain-driven design (DDD) and want to present on DDD in Python.
You will choose
- 0% when you talk to the audience who has heard of domain-driven design or DDD and the terms used in it, but doesn't know what they are
- 50% when you talk to the audience who starts to work on DDD in Python
- 100% when you talk to the audience who is practicing DDD in Python just like you
That’s all for this post.
I think there may be some things that are poorly explained about the changes or that we're missing.
Therefore, if you are unsure about any of the items of the proposal form, please do not hesitate to ask questions!
👉 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScW-s8M96jsr9A7Fbu-GsDuBvrL5yu0QGr5gpZ20DmAtRzTqg/viewform
We'll be answering your questions on our FAQ post.