
PyCon Kyushu 2020 Kumamoto 延期に関するお知らせとトークの審査の結果/ Notice of postponement and CfP selection announcement

こんにちは、PyCon Kyushu 2020 Kumamoto、座長の清田です。

Hello, I am Kiyota, the Chair of  PyCon Kyushu 2020 Kumamoto.


We had announced that we would decide in the first half of April about the decision to postpone due to the effect of the new coronavirus, but as a result of discussions at the executive committee, it was decided that it would be better to inform as soon as possible, so today we report that we have decided to postpone the 5/23 event indefinitely..


It's a shame that we can't hold it. We have decided because of potential lack of preparation and from the perspective of preventing the spread of infection. We appreciate your understanding.


Although the postponement has been decided, the members of the executive committee have conducted the screening on CfP as scheduled, including the meaning of responding to the feelings of those who have applied, and the results are as following.


As a result, 12 talks were selected from 43 applications.

  • Raspberry Pi とPythonを使って複数のサーボおよびモーターを動かす
    Lina KATAYOSE 
  • DashでインタラクティブWebアプリを創ろう
  • オープンデータを用いた自転車盗難推測LINEBotの開発
    Kenji Kawanobe
  • AWS Lambdaで定期実行を始めて、Grow 生産性! 〜自動化スクリプトの結果をSlackに投稿する中でハマった経験から〜
  • Cloud DataFlow / Pythonで 大規模データ処理
    Nakamura Masato
  • Qiskitを使った量子コンピュータ入門
  • From Cron to Serverless Task Management (with Python) Airflow
    Halfdan Rump
  • Building Python GUI App The Modern Way Gui and games
    Melvin Koh
  • Python の ""P"" は Protein の ""P""
  • Pythonで実践してみるデザインパターン入門
  • 本気の野球データサイエンス - PythonとRを駆使して選手の成長力を見てみようShinichi Nakagawa
  • ASGI(非同期サーバゲートウェイインターフェース)の概要
    Junya Fukuda


However, regarding the treatment of the talks adopted this time, since the timing of the talks has not been determined, it will be discussed within the executive committee. We will notify you again when the postponed date is decided.


We decided to postpone this time for the new coronavirus, but we will do our best to make it a better conference if it becomes possible to implement it again. Thank you for your continued support.

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