
Explanation of PyCon JP 2024 Sponsorship Details

Hello. This is Tsutsui from the PyCon JP 2024 PR team.

At PyCon JP 2024, we are looking for sponsors to join us in making the event a success. In this article, we will explain what the PyCon JP 2024 sponsorship system is and what benefits it offers.

Sponsorship Plans

There are two types of sponsorship plans: “Base Plans” and “Option Plans.” Sponsors first choose a “Base Plan,” and then they can add “Option Plans” as needed.

Base Plan Details

The sponsor base plans are available in the following grades, listed in order of highest to lowest:
  • Diamond (3,000,000 JPY including tax): This is the main sponsorship plan. Sponsors will be prominently displayed throughout the event, making a significant impact on attendees.
  • Platinum (1,500,000 JPY including tax): This is a large sponsorship plan. Sponsors will be prominently displayed during the event, leaving a strong impression on attendees as supporters who understand the importance of the Python community.
  • Gold (600,000 JPY including tax): This is a general sponsorship plan. Sponsors will be visible to attendees during the event, allowing them to promote themselves as companies that support the Python community. (No longer available as the limit has been reached)
  • Silver (150,000 JPY including tax): This is a small-scale support plan. Sponsors can use this plan to promote themselves as companies supporting the Python community.
Please note that the Gold plan is no longer available for application as it has reached its limit.

For more details on the benefits of the sponsor base plans, please refer to the following documents: “Sponsorship Package Details (Base Plan) 1/2” and “Sponsorship Package Details (Base Plan) 2/2”

Option Plans

The option plans include the following types:
  • Party (880,000 JPY including tax)
  • Breakfast (330,000 JPY including tax) (No longer available as the limit has been reached)
  • Lunch (660,000 JPY including tax)
  • Drink Corner (220,000 JPY including tax) (No longer available as the limit has been reached)
  • Sprint Venue (Venue Provided) (No longer available as the limit has been reached)
Please note that the Breakfast, Drink Corner, and Sprint Venue options are no longer available for application as they have reached their limits.

For more details on the sponsorship plan packages, please refer to the following document: “Sponsorship Package Option Details”

How to Apply for Sponsorship

Please apply using the form below. Sponsorship is an excellent opportunity to promote your company to a large number of Python engineers. Don’t miss this chance!

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