
PyCon JP 2024 のプロポーザルを採択しました - The proposal acceptance is complete!

 (English version is below)  

PyCon JP 2024 プログラムチームの hkws です。


PyCon JP 2024 の CfP(https://pyconjp.blogspot.com/2024/04/pyconjp2024-cfp.html)に対して、合計238件のプロポーザルを提出いただきました。頂いたプロポーザルは、外部レビュアーとしてご応募頂いた方々も含め総勢19名でレビューを行い、PyCon JP 2024スタッフによる採択会議を経て、採択するプロポーザルを決定しました。CfPに応募してくださった皆様、ならびに外部レビュアーとしてご協力いただいた皆様、本当にありがとうございました。

CfPにご応募くださった皆さんに対して、採択結果をご連絡するメールを送信しておりますのでご確認ください。加えて、採択したプロポーザルのスピーカーの方々には、発表に関する意思確認のアンケートも送信しております。忘れずにご入力ください。なお、連絡を受け取れていない方は 2024-program@pyconjp.atlassian.net に問い合わせをお願いします。

Hello, this is hkws from the PyCon JP 2024 Program Team.

I'm pleased to announce that we have completed the selection process for this year's proposals.

We received a total of 238 proposals in response to the Call for Proposals (CfP) for PyCon JP 2024 (https://pyconjp.blogspot.com/2024/04/pyconjp2024-cfp.html). These proposals were reviewed by a team of 19 individuals, including external reviewers who volunteered their expertise. Following this review process, the PyCon JP 2024 staff held a selection meeting to determine the final list of accepted proposals.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who submitted a proposal and to all the external reviewers who contributed their time and expertise to this process.

We have sent out emails to all CfP applicants with the results of the selection process. Please check your inbox for this notification. Additionally, speakers whose proposals have been accepted will receive a survey to confirm their intention to present. Please make sure to complete this survey.

If you have not received any email from us, please reach out to us via 2024-program@pyconjp.atlassian.net.

Thank you once again for your interest and participation in PyCon JP 2024.

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