
Meet Our Keynote/Invitation Speakers : PyCon JP 2024

We are thrilled to announce that James Powell, Atsuo Ishimoto and Naoki Inada will join us as a keynote speaker and invitation speaker at PyCon JP 2024!

ジェームズ・パウエル氏、石本 敦夫氏、稲田 直樹氏がPyCon JP 2024で基調講演者および招待講演者として参加されることをお知らせいたします!

(Day1 Keynote) James Powell

James Powell, aka “dontusethiscode” or “dutc,” leads the training and consulting firm, Don't Use This Code. Since 2014, he has offered expert services in software development, scientific computing, and data engineering. A prolific speaker at over 80 conferences worldwide, James is known for his signature suit and tie.

James is a dedicated supporter of the open source and open source scientific computing communities. In his volunteer time, he serves as the chairman of the NumFOCUS board of directors, as well as a lead organizer for NYC Python. He has also advised, chaired, and served on the organizing committee for over fifty open source conferences worldwide actively supporting open source communities.

Get ready to learn advanced software development techniques and community-building insights from James Powell, a leading figure in the open source community—this is a session you will be excited to join!

ジェームズ・パウエル、別名「dontusethiscode」または「dutc」は、トレーニングおよびコンサルティング会社「Don't Use This Code」を率いています。2014年から、ソフトウェア開発、科学計算、データエンジニアリングの専門サービスを提供しています。世界中の80以上のカンファレンスで講演を行う活発なスピーカーであり、スーツとネクタイがトレードマークです。彼はNumFOCUSの会長でもあり、NYC Pythonの主要なオーガナイザーとして、オープンソースコミュニティを積極的に支援しています。

ジェームズは、オープンソースおよびオープンソース科学計算コミュニティの熱心な支持者です。ボランティアとして、NumFOCUSの理事会議長を務めるほか、NYC Pythonの主要なオーガナイザーとして活動しています。さらに、世界中で50以上のオープンソースカンファレンスでアドバイザー、議長、組織委員会のメンバーとして参加し、オープンソースコミュニティを積極的に支援しています。


(Day2 Keynote) Atsuo Ishimoto / 石本 敦夫

Atsuo Ishimoto is a veteran Python user who started using Python in the mid-1990s. At the time, he never imagined it would become a nearly 30-year relationship. However, from the moment he first encountered Python, he felt that “this programming language is useful.” He created a Japanese mailing list for information exchange and started a documentation translation project. Additionally, during that time, Python did not work properly on Japanese Windows environments, so he developed a Japanese patch version.Originally, his main work was in C/C++, and he didn’t use Python that much. However, the ratio of Python in his work gradually increased, and now he is almost exclusively working with Python. For a long time he is actively contributing to python communities as a speaker, keynote speaker and other various involvements. 

Get ready to learn from his experience and expertise.This is a session you won't want to miss!




(Invitation Talk) Naoki Inada / 稲田 直哉

We are equally excited to announce that Naoki Inada / 稲田 直哉 will share our stage as invited speaker at PyCon JP 2024 this year.

He graduated from Osaka Prefectural College of Technology. From 2004 to 2007, he worked at Panasonic AVC Multimedia Software Co., Ltd. Since 2007, he has been working at KLab Inc.

Since around 2010, he has been involved in the Japanese translation project of Python documentation, working on Sphinx support and Python 3 support. In 2016, he implemented the Compact Ordered Dict, which was incorporated into Python 3.6, making him a core developer.

Subsequently, he contributed to speeding up the startup of CPython and reducing memory usage.

Get ready to explore Naoki Inada's experience and expertise in CPython performance optimization and memory usage reduction, and learn strategies to enhance your Python applications.

This is a session you won't want to miss!

今年のPyCon JP 2024でで、招待講演者として稲田直哉さんをお迎えすることになりました。

稲田さんは大阪府立工業高等専門学校を卒業し、2004年から2007年までパナソニック AVC マルチメディアソフト株式会社で勤務されました。2007年からはKLab株式会社に勤務しています。2010年頃からはPythonドキュメントの日本語翻訳プロジェクトに関わり、SphinxのサポートやPython 3のサポートに取り組んでいます。2016年にはCompact Ordered Dictを実装し、Python 3.6に組み込まれたことでコアデベロッパーとなりました。その後、CPythonの起動速度の向上やメモリ使用量の削減に貢献しています。


Meet Our Keynote/Invitation Speakers

Don’t miss out on meeting our keynote speakers in person!

Mark your calendar and join us at the PyCon JP 2024 conference to unlock the full potential of Python!

Please check out the following URL.


There are only a few weeks left before the conference, so don’t wait, register today!


PyCon JP 2024に参加して、Pythonの新しい可能性を発見しましょう。



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