Hello everyone!
This is seigot, a staff member of the PyCon JP 2022.
We're excited to announce the keynote speakers for PyCon JP 2022!
The following people have been confirmed as keynote speakers for PyCon JP 2022!
Simultaneous Japanese-English audio interpretation will be available on both days (on-site participants only).
DAY1: Mark Shannon
DAY2: Hiromu Nishiuchi
Let me briefly introduce their profiles.
Mark Shannon
I started using Python in 2005 and have been a contributor to CPython since 2010.
After a long career developing static analysis tools, I have been working on Python acceleration for the last few years.
My academic and commercial research focuses on Python compilers, virtual machines, and static analysis. My PhD was on building virtual machines for dynamic languages, and I am the author of various PEPs, including 412, 590, 626, and 659.
I am currently working as the technical lead of the Microsoft-funded "Faster CPython" team.
Mark Shannon has been deeply involved with virtual machines and compilers for dynamic programming languages like Python since his student days.
For Python 3.11, he is leading the Farster CPython: CPython Acceleration Project.
This will be an interesting place to learn how he has faced the challenge of improving Python's performance.
Hiromu Nishiuchi
After working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Communication at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, Deputy Director of the University Hospital Medical Information Network Research Center, and a visiting researcher at Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Research Center, he founded Data Vehicle, Inc. in November 2014.
He is engaged in the development and sales of extended analytics tools such as "dataDiver," utilizing his own expertise, as well as supporting public and private sector data utilization projects. His publications include the "Statistics is the Strongest Study" series, which has sold over 500,000 copies, and "Statistics Will Save Japan" (Chuokoron Shinsha).
He has also been a member of the Advisory Board of EBPM (Evidence Based Policy Making) of the Cabinet Office since 2020.
Hiromu Nishiuchi has participated in many data analytics projects and has published many books on statistics.
This talk will be a great opportunity to hear valuable stories based on his many experiences in data analytics.
We are very pleased to have great speakers for this keynote. I am very much looking forward to listening to these speakers.
We look forward to seeing you on 14 (Fri) & 16 (Sun) October at PyCon JP 2022!
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