(The English version is below of this post)
主催メンバー振り返りでの様子 |
日本語版: PyCon JP 2024会計報告
こんにちは。PyCon JP 2024会計リーダーのPeacock (@peacock0803sz)です。 PyCon JP 2024(2024年9月27日(金)ー29日(日)開催)の収支が概ね確定しましたので、当エントリで報告します。
PyCon JP 2024は昨年のPyCon APAC 2023とは異なり日本国内がメインのカンファレンスとしての開催でしたが、 海外からの登壇者・参加者も多く来場されており国際的にも盛況な状況でした。
例年同様、主催メンバー(スタッフ)の活動は完全にボランティアで活動しています。 そのため、以下に記載する暫定版の収支データにも 「主催メンバーへの報酬・給料」は発生していません 。
PyCon JP 2024の予算計画・会計を振り返って
近年のPyCon JPイベント会計では「会場費などの固定的なコストに対してはスポンサー収入を、飲食物などの変動的なコストについては参加費収入を相当する」という方針で計画・運用しています。 上記の方針・考え方で進めることで、参加人数(チケット売り上げ)の増減に大きく依存しない予算の策定が可能です。 この考え方は2020年から昨年(PyCon APAC 2023)まで会計を担当していたyoshidaさんのものを参考にしています。
完全にパンデミック以前のスタイルに振り切ったPyCon JPとして久々の開催だった
Python Software Foundation (PSF)から$15,000分の支援(Grants)を得られたこと
なお、当イベントで発生した収益はPyCon JP 2025以降の初期費用や、一般社団法人PyCon JP Associationが主催するPythonコミュニティへの支援事業の原資などとして使用させていただきます。
PyCon JP 2025について
次回(PyCon JP 2025)は東京を飛び出し、広島での開催を予定しています。 詳細は先日公開している以下エントリーを参照ください。
PyCon JP 2025は来年9月に広島での開催が決定!座長は西本卓也さん!https://pyconjp.blogspot.com/2024/10/pyconjp2025-co-chair.html
In English: PyCon JP 2024 Financial Report
Hello, I am Peacock (@peacock0803sz), the financial leader of PyCon JP 2024. As the financial results for PyCon JP 2024 (held from September 27th to 29th, 2024) have been mostly finalized, I would like to share them in this entry.
Unlike last year (PyCon APAC 2023), PyCon JP 2024 was primarily a domestic conference in Japan, but we also welcomed many international speakers and participants, making it a successful international event.
As in previous years, the organizing members (staff) participated entirely on a volunteer basis. Therefore, the provisional financial data below does not include any compensation or salary for organizing members.
Financial Summary
The financial summary as of the publication of this entry is as follows:
Reflections on PyCon JP 2024 Budget Planning and Accounting
In recent years, the PyCon JP event accounting has been planned and operated with the policy of covering fixed costs such as venue fees with sponsorship income and variable costs such as food and drinks with participation fees. By advancing with this policy and approach, it is possible to formulate a budget that does not heavily depend on the fluctuation of the number of participants (ticket sales). This approach is based on the ideas of Yoshida-san (a Japanese post), who was in charge of accounting from 2020 to last year (PyCon APAC 2023).
However, this year, due to the following circumstances, we were prepared to operate at a loss until over three months before the event, as shown in the attached screenshot.
Background for preparing for a loss:
It was the first PyCon JP event in a long time that fully returned to a pre-pandemic style.
The forecast for sponsorships was uncertain.
Due to recent inflation, various expenses were expected to rise.
Despite these challenges, we were ultimately able to close with a surplus due to the following factors:
Many companies applied for sponsorships even in the latter half of the application period.
We received $15,000 in grants from the Python Software Foundation (PSF).
We adjusted the quantities for catering such as lunches and parties until the last minute, amid unpredictable attendance numbers for large-scale events.
The entire organizing team (not just the accounting department) was conscious of cost management and improvement efforts.
The profits generated from this event will be used for initial costs of future events like the PyCon JP 2025 and as funds for projects supporting the Python community organized by the PyCon JP Association.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the sponsors, patrons, participants, and organizing members who understand and support the Python community. Thank you very much.
About the PyCon JP 2025
Next year, the PyCon JP 2025 is planned to be held outside of Tokyo, in Hiroshima. Please refer to the following entry for details.
(In Japanese Only): PyCon JP 2025は来年9月に広島での開催が決定!座長は西本卓也さん! https://pyconjp.blogspot.com/2024/10/pyconjp2025-co-chair.html
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